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Matcha Starter Kit


Matcha Starter Kit

Our Matcha Starter Kit has everything you need to enjoy your own matcha ritual at home.

Inside the iconic silver gift box, you'll find a complete set of traditional matcha ware, including our handcrafted Snow Tea Bowl, plus our Purple Bamboo Matcha Whisk and Matcha Scoop. We've also included a single serving sample (3g) of our classic Japanese Matcha to get started, with larger refills available separately.

To brew, empty the entire sample of Japanese Matcha into the tea bowl, fill no more than halfway with warm water (around 160°F), then whisk vigorously in a W motion, creating as much froth as possible. After purchasing a larger refill of matcha, use the included, traditional-style matcha scoop to measure out the correct dose, adding 1-2 scoops of matcha per bowl of tea.

When washing your teaware prior to use, take care not to use soap on the bamboo items, and ensure the whisk and scoop air dry completely prior to storage. You’ll also want to soak the tines of the whisk in hot water for about a minute to soften them prior to whisking your tea.

White tea dish sold separately.