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Glass Teaware

Our range of glass teaware offers a blend of convenience, versatility, and beauty, making it an ideal choice for daily enjoyment no matter where you sip!

  • Glass Infuser Cup
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    The glass infuser cup's ability to brew tea far exceeds its rather simple demeanor.

    The lid helps maintain brew temperature, but also serves as a trivet...

  • Blossom Glass Teapot
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    A charming glass teapot of heat-resistant, food grade borosilicate glass. A larger size provides plenty of room for blossoming teas to expand. Also comes with a glass infuser to showcase your favorite loose leaf tea. The infuser's fine slits allow the tea to steep while keeping...

  • Double Walled Glass Thermos
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    A sleek, double walled thermos with removable strainer and insulating sleeve.

    The double walled glass provides excellent heat retention to keep your tea warm and your hands cool. Brewing is made easy by placing loose leaves in the contained basket, which can be removed to avoid...

  • Modern Glass Server
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    A sleek, minimal glass pitcher designed with gong fu cha in mind. The large capacity makes this server ideal for combining infusions or serving groups, while...