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Teas from Taiwan

Renowned for its "high mountain oolongs", the island nation of Taiwan offers the ideal terroir for tea growing: high elevations, temperate weather, well-drained soils, and high humidity. Discover a world of complex floral flavors and natural honey-like sweetness with our range of styles from Taiwan.
  • Tung Ting
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    Tung Ting


    漢字 凍頂烏龍

    origin Nantou County, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes floral, vegetal, bright

    漢字 凍頂烏龍

    origin Nantou County, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes floral, vegetal, bright

    A descendent of oolong varieties taken from Jian'ou in China's Fujian Province, Tung Ting was brought to the eponymous central Taiwan mountain in the mid-1800s. Its name means "frozen summit", in reference to what was, at the time, one of the highest elevation tea gardens in Taiwan. Today, tea is...

  • Lishan, Spring
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    漢字 梨山烏龍春茶

    origin Lishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes gardenia, sugarcane, fresh cream

    漢字 梨山烏龍春茶

    origin Lishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes gardenia, sugarcane, fresh cream

    Peaking at 2200 meters above sea level, Lishan is the third highest mountain in the Lishan Range. The garden from which this tea is harvested lies at approximately 2000 meters (6500 feet) above sea level, an elevation that yields temperate weather in the summer and light snow fall in the...

  • Formosa Red #18
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    漢字 日月潭蜜香紅茶, 紅玉

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes honey, herbaceous, dried fruit

    漢字 日月潭蜜香紅茶, 紅玉

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes honey, herbaceous, dried fruit

    Black tea crafting in Taiwan was initiated by the Japanese in 1903. In 1926, the first Assam cultivar was introduced and planted around the hills of Sun Moon Lake in Nantou County. This lake’s climate, environment, and terroir was deemed the most similar to the Assam tea gardens of India....

  • Jin Xuan (Milk Oolong)
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    漢字 金萱烏龍春茶

    origin Alishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes butter, sweet, vegetal

    漢字 金萱烏龍春茶

    origin Alishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes butter, sweet, vegetal

    Jin Xuan, meaning "Golden Lily" in Chinese, is a relatively new Formosa cultivar developed by Taiwan's Tea Research and Extension Station in the early 1980s. This cultivar is the end result of nearly four decades of cross-breeding several Formosa varieties to yield a tea with a naturally milky taste, distinct in character from the traditional cultivars of our...

  • Tung Ting, Dark Roast
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    漢字 炭焙凍頂烏龍

    origin Nantou County, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang, roasted

    flavor notes toffee, brown sugar, cream

    漢字 炭焙凍頂烏龍

    origin Nantou County, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang, roasted

    flavor notes toffee, brown sugar, cream

    Each year, a portion of our winter harvest Tung Ting is set aside to be roasted to a greater degree than most Formosa oolongs. The process darkens the tea to create a rich and sweet tea that is smooth and fragrant. The sweetness of our winter crop Tung Ting from...

  • Native Cultivar Reserve
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    漢字 極品日月潭蜜香紅茶, 原種

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes stone fruit cobbler, honey, floral

    漢字 極品日月潭蜜香紅茶, 原種

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes stone fruit cobbler, honey, floral

    A reserve-grade harvest of one of our most popular teas, Native Cultivar Reserve is bright, fruity, and naturally sweet, with a honey-like finish that dances on the palate. It took us over four years of focused sourcing to find a crop that met our standards for quality and taste, eventually leading us to...

  • Formosa Red Assam
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    漢字 日月潭蜜香紅茶, 阿薩姆

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes bold, honey, dried fruit

    漢字 日月潭蜜香紅茶, 阿薩姆

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes bold, honey, dried fruit

    One of four Formosa Reds from a tea garden located just outside Yu-chih Village, in the hills surrounding Sun Moon Lake, Nantou County, Taiwan. This is a pure-stock Assam, brought to Taiwan in the first half of the 20th century by the colonial Japanese in an effort to develop a...

  • Wenshan Baozhong
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    Wenshan Baozhong

    Sold out

    漢字 文山包種烏龍春茶

    origin Pinglin County, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang, twisted

    flavor notes floral, vegetal, crisp

    漢字 文山包種烏龍春茶

    origin Pinglin County, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang, twisted

    flavor notes floral, vegetal, crisp

    Wenshan, the range of mountains that surround Taipei in northern Taiwan produces a type of oolong that is twisted rather than rolled. It's a crafting style that hearkens to an earlier time in tea making, and actually predates the rolled oolongs for which Taiwan is known. Called Baozhongs or "Pouchongs",...

  • Jin Xuan Winter Sprout
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    漢字 金萱烏龍冬茶

    origin Alishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes sugarcane, fresh cream, vegetal

    漢字 金萱烏龍冬茶

    origin Alishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes sugarcane, fresh cream, vegetal

    Cultivated at over 4,000 feet above sea level in Taiwan's famed Alishan region, Jin Xuan Winter Sprout is a truly elegant representation of Formosa oolong, and one of the most unique Taiwanese teas in our collection. Known as dong pian in Chinese, winter harvests like this offer an exciting chance to discover a new side...

  • Tung Ting, Mi Xiang
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    漢字 蜜香凍頂烏龍

    origin Nantou County, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang, mi xiang

    flavor notes honey, fruity, smooth

    漢字 蜜香凍頂烏龍

    origin Nantou County, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang, mi xiang

    flavor notes honey, fruity, smooth

    A descendent of oolong varieties taken from Jian'ou in China's Fujian Province, Tung Ting was brought to the eponymous central Taiwan mountain in the mid-1800s. Its name means "frozen summit", in reference to what was, at the time, one of the highest elevation tea gardens in Taiwan. Today, tea is...

  • Alishan, Spring
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    漢字 阿里山烏龍春茶

    origin Alishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes floral, smooth, vegetal

    漢字 阿里山烏龍春茶

    origin Alishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes floral, smooth, vegetal

    Hand-gathered in late April at 1600 meters above sea level, our Alishan oolong comes from a garden that has provided us with tea for the past seven years. It’s a garden that for the past few years have won repeated accolades for the quality and character of its tea. Their...

  • Tung Ting Ginseng
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    漢字 凍頂人參

    origin Nantou County, Taiwan

    craft blended

    flavor notes floral, vegetal, herbaceous

    漢字 凍頂人參

    origin Nantou County, Taiwan

    craft blended

    flavor notes floral, vegetal, herbaceous

    We make our own tea blends only if we feel the combination does not detract from the tea's natural character. Ginseng root pairs especially well with our winter harvested Tung Ting. A descendent of oolong varieties taken from Jian'ou in China's Fujian Province, Tung Ting was brought to the eponymous...

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