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Tea Storage

To maximize the shelf life of your teas, we recommend keeping them away from light, air, and moisture. Though it is tempting to show off beautiful tea leaves in glass jars, exposure to light creates oxidation, and causes the tea to lose flavor. Instead, we recommend our double lidded storage canisters to create an airtight seal and keep your teas as fresh as possible.

  • Red Canister
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    Red Canister


    A simple but effective metal canister in our signature glossy red, with an airtight inner lid to preserve the freshness of your tea leaves.

    Two lids keep the tea fresh, while the two sizes accommodate different size and quantities of tea leaves. The smaller of... ā†’

  • Slate Canister
    Quick shop

    A simple but effective metal canister in slate grey, with an airtight inner lid to preserve the freshness of your tea leaves.

    Two lids keep the tea fresh, while the two sizes accommodate different size and quantities of tea leaves. The smaller of the two... ā†’