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Mi Xiang Teas

Mi Xiang (or "honey fragrance") teas are a specialty of Taiwan, created when the teamaker allows various insects to attack the tea plants prior to harvest. In response to the attack, the tea plants release specific terpenes (volatile aromatic compounds) which repel the bugs, but to the human palate taste surprisingly sweet, like flowers, fruit, and honey. When crafted into tea, the leaves retain this honey fragrance, making for a smooth, aromatic, and naturally sweet infusion.

  • Qing Xin Red
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    Qing Xin Red


    漢字 阿里山清心蜜香紅茶

    origin Alishan, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes stone fruit, citrus, honey

    漢字 阿里山清心蜜香紅茶

    origin Alishan, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes stone fruit, citrus, honey

    Described by the teamaker as "a black tea with the spirit of an oolong", Qing Xin Red is our rarest black tea. This innovative harvest combines Taiwan's Qing Xin cultivar (revered for it's elegantly sweet, creamy, and floral taste), with mi xiang crafting and traditional oolong production techniques like rou nian to create one of...

  • Native Cultivar Reserve
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    漢字 極品日月潭蜜香紅茶, 原種

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes stone fruit cobbler, honey, floral

    漢字 極品日月潭蜜香紅茶, 原種

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes stone fruit cobbler, honey, floral

    A reserve-grade harvest of one of our most popular teas, Native Cultivar Reserve is bright, fruity, and naturally sweet, with a honey-like finish that dances on the palate. It took us over four years of focused sourcing to find a crop that met our standards for quality and taste, eventually leading us to...

  • Tung Ting, Mi Xiang
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    漢字 蜜香凍頂烏龍

    origin Nantou County, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang, mi xiang

    flavor notes honey, fruity, smooth

    漢字 蜜香凍頂烏龍

    origin Nantou County, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang, mi xiang

    flavor notes honey, fruity, smooth

    A descendent of oolong varieties taken from Jian'ou in China's Fujian Province, Tung Ting was brought to the eponymous central Taiwan mountain in the mid-1800s. Its name means "frozen summit", in reference to what was, at the time, one of the highest elevation tea gardens in Taiwan. Today, tea is...

  • Formosa Red Assam
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    漢字 日月潭蜜香紅茶, 阿薩姆

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes bold, honey, dried fruit

    漢字 日月潭蜜香紅茶, 阿薩姆

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes bold, honey, dried fruit

    One of four Formosa Reds from a tea garden located just outside Yu-chih Village, in the hills surrounding Sun Moon Lake, Nantou County, Taiwan. This is a pure-stock Assam, brought to Taiwan in the first half of the 20th century by the colonial Japanese in an effort to develop a...

  • Formosa Red #18
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    漢字 日月潭蜜香紅茶, 紅玉

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes honey, herbaceous, dried fruit

    漢字 日月潭蜜香紅茶, 紅玉

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes honey, herbaceous, dried fruit

    Black tea crafting in Taiwan was initiated by the Japanese in 1903. In 1926, the first Assam cultivar was introduced and planted around the hills of Sun Moon Lake in Nantou County. This lake’s climate, environment, and terroir was deemed the most similar to the Assam tea gardens of India....