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Three Cultivar Red


Three Cultivar Red

  • 漢字 三品紅

    origin Fujian Province

    craft twisted

    flavor notes dried fruit, floral, smooth

    漢字 三品紅

    origin Fujian Province

    craft twisted

    flavor notes dried fruit, floral, smooth

    Our Three Cultivar Red is a unique blend of three varieties from across Fujian Province. In a world defined by tradition and age-old crafting methods, this tea is a rare innovation. The tea maker who created it is amongst a small group experimenting with new cultivars and crafting styles to create wonderful and delicious teas that buck tradition.

    Three Cultivar Red combines two aromatic cultivars typically reserved for Wuyi Oolong (Huang Guan Yin and Jin Guan Yin) with a small leaf cultivar typically used to make green tea. After harvest and blending of the three cultivars, the leaves were then withered, oxidized, and roasted to create a wonderfully floral, fruity, and naturally sweet infusion.

  • tea
    1g per 1oz at 180°F for 2m

    This is our favorite way to brew most black teas, since the moderate water temperature and brew time increase sweetness and texture while limiting astringency. If you prefer a more intense brew, try increasing your water temperature. To further highlight sweetness (particularly with our mi xiang crops), reduce water temperature while increasing brew time.

    Learn the fundamentals of tea brewing and master your technique here.