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Master Yixing, Style 551


Master Yixing, Style 551

  • This angular shipiao teapot is crafted from qinghuini ("grey clay") and features a larger volume just under 10 ounces, making it ideal for group tea brewing.

    Our Yixing teapots are half-handmade. A manual mold is used to assist the artisan in forming the body and lid of the vessel, while the spout, handle, and knob are formed freehand; the final teapot is assembled and finished entirely by hand. We believe this style of craftsmanship presents the best balance of function and value, allowing us to offer high-grade, authentic Yixing clay and all of its benefits without the premium for fully handmade construction.

  • All volumes are measured to the brim. Functional volume may vary.

    volume 9.8 oz/290 ml length 5.75" width 4.25" height 3"

  • Seasoning a Yixing Pot

    Yixing teapots are intended to be seasoned with one type of tea. Due to the clay’s level of porosity, a yixing teapot will take on the aroma and character of the tea brewed in it.

    To season a new yixing teapot, first scrub the teapot with a soft sponge. Rinse, fill the teapot with fresh water and let it sit overnight. Second, brew a strong infusion of the tea you intend to season the pot with. Submerge the teapot (filled with the tea infusion) in a large bowl of water and let the pot sit in the bowl overnight. In the morning rinse the teapot with fresh water and begin using.

    Cleaning a Yixing Pot

    After steeping tea, empty the leaves and rinse the teapot with clean water. Leave the teapot open with the lid ajar so that it can dry. Depending on the type of Zi Sha (clay), it can take up to a night. Use a soft wet cloth to clean the exterior of the pot and a soft dry cloth to polish it.

    NEVER use soap or detergent on yixing clay. The clay will absorb the flavor of tea as well as chemical cleaners. Do not store yixing teapots near strong scents or spices, especially when the pot is wet – the pot will absorb that particular scent.