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Jingmai Raw Pu-erh


Jingmai Raw Pu-erh

  • 漢字 景邁普洱毛茶

    origin Jingmai, Yunnan

    craft maocha (raw, non-fermented, non-aged)

    flavor notes sugarcane, dried apricots, floral

    漢字 景邁普洱毛茶

    origin Jingmai, Yunnan

    craft maocha (un-aged, raw)

    flavor notes sugarcane, dried apricots, floral

    A 2019 spring harvest of maocha (unaged "raw" pu-erh) from an organic farm in southern Yunnan Province. Harvested at over 1400 meters above sea level, from trees that are between 30-40 years old, this raw pu-erh lacks the bitterness we often expect from this style. Instead, our Jingmai Raw Pu-erh offers a bright, herbaceous aroma of meadow flowers and hay, with a finish akin to raw sugarcane and dried apricot. 

  • tea
    1g per 1oz at 190°F for 2m

    While we recommend boiling water for most Pu-erh teas, Jingmai Raw Pu-erh is an unaged and unfermented maocha, and therefore closer to a green or oolong tea in temperament. A lower water temperature around 190°F helps to limit bitterness and increase aroma.

    Learn the fundamentals of tea brewing and master your technique here.