Crafted in small batches and sourced directly from multi-generational producers in China and Taiwan, we select our teas based on provenance, leaf varietal, harvest season, and crafting style; these factors combine to create an impressive spectrum of natural flavors and aromas.
Dark Roast Tieguanyin
漢字 特級猴王鐵觀音
origin Anxi County, Fujian
craft nong xiang
flavor notes toffee, golden raisin, floral
漢字 特級猴王鐵觀音
origin Anxi County, Fujian
craft nong xiang
flavor notes toffee, golden raisin, floral
Harvested in Anxi County, Fujian Province in the springtime, the leaf is 30% oxidized, first by bruising the leaves in a bamboo drum and then allowing them to rest and gradually wither. The rest time enables the conversion of catechins into bioflavonoids while enriching the color of the liquor. We... →
Silver Needle
漢字 福鼎白毫銀針
origin Fuding County, Fujian
craft faded (air dried)
flavor notes rose water, wood, almond
漢字 福鼎白毫銀針
origin Fuding County, Fujian
craft faded (air dried)
flavor notes rose water, wood, almond
Silver Needle is the highest grade of white tea, crafted exclusively from young spring tea leaf buds. Picked entirely by hand, our Silver Needle comes from a high elevation grove of da bai tea trees in Fuding County, Fujian: the birthplace of white tea. Once gathered, the buds were scattered on... →
Tung Ting, Dark Roast
漢字 炭焙凍頂烏龍
origin Nantou County, Taiwan
craft qing xiang, roasted
flavor notes toffee, brown sugar, cream
漢字 炭焙凍頂烏龍
origin Nantou County, Taiwan
craft qing xiang, roasted
flavor notes toffee, brown sugar, cream
Each year, a portion of our winter harvest Tung Ting is set aside to be roasted to a greater degree than most Formosa oolongs. The process darkens the tea to create a rich and sweet tea that is smooth and fragrant. The sweetness of our winter crop Tung Ting from... →
Tung Ting, Mi Xiang
漢字 蜜香凍頂烏龍
origin Nantou County, Taiwan
craft qing xiang, mi xiang
flavor notes honey, fruity, smooth
漢字 蜜香凍頂烏龍
origin Nantou County, Taiwan
craft qing xiang, mi xiang
flavor notes honey, fruity, smooth
A descendent of oolong varieties taken from Jian'ou in China's Fujian Province, Tung Ting was brought to the eponymous central Taiwan mountain in the mid-1800s. Its name means "frozen summit", in reference to what was, at the time, one of the highest elevation tea gardens in Taiwan. Today, tea is... →
Alishan, Spring
漢字 阿里山烏龍春茶
origin Alishan, Taiwan
craft qing xiang
flavor notes floral, smooth, vegetal
漢字 阿里山烏龍春茶
origin Alishan, Taiwan
craft qing xiang
flavor notes floral, smooth, vegetal
Hand-gathered in late April at 1600 meters above sea level, our Alishan oolong comes from a garden that has provided us with tea for the past seven years. It’s a garden that for the past few years have won repeated accolades for the quality and character of its tea. Their... →
Celadon Pearl
漢字 綠珍珠
origin Zhejiang
craft rolled
flavor notes robust, nutty, bold
漢字 綠珍珠
origin Zhejiang
craft rolled
flavor notes robust, nutty, bold
From Zhejiang Province, China, Celadon Pearl is a late Spring harvested green tea that is tightly rolled in the style of a traditional Gunpowder. The long roasting process gives this tea a simple and crisp flavor with a toasted nutty finish. Because of the more mature leaves, it is more... →
Fu Shou Shan, Spring
漢字 福壽山烏龍春茶
origin Fu Shou Shan, Taiwan
craft qing xiang
flavor notes fresh cream, dried mango, floral
漢字 福壽山烏龍春茶
origin Fu Shou Shan, Taiwan
craft qing xiang
flavor notes fresh cream, dried mango, floral
At 2600 meters above sea level, Fu Shou Shan is the second highest peak in the Lishan Range, exceeding Lishan (for which the mountain range is named) by almost 400 meters. Our Fu Shou Shan was hand-gathered from a tea garden that sits at nearly 2500 meters (8200 feet) above... →
Native Cultivar Reserve
漢字 極品日月潭蜜香紅茶, 原種
origin Yuchi, Taiwan
craft twisted, mi xiang
flavor notes stone fruit cobbler, honey, floral
漢字 極品日月潭蜜香紅茶, 原種
origin Yuchi, Taiwan
craft twisted, mi xiang
flavor notes stone fruit cobbler, honey, floral
A reserve-grade harvest of one of our most popular teas, Native Cultivar Reserve is bright, fruity, and naturally sweet, with a honey-like finish that dances on the palate. It took us over four years of focused sourcing to find a crop that met our standards for quality and taste, eventually leading us to... →
Spring Maofeng
漢字 明前毛峰
origin Guizhou Province
craft drum roasted
flavor notes sweet corn, vegetal, bright
漢字 明前毛峰
origin Guizhou Province
craft drum roasted
flavor notes sweet corn, vegetal, bright
A classic example of Chinese green tea, picked in early spring. Fresh, crisp flavors are underscored by a rich, buttery mouthfeel when brewed at low temperatures, resulting in a creamy and vegetal brew with distinct notes of sweet corn. →
漢字 〇三年勐海野生普洱生茶
origin Menghai, Yunnan
craft aged sheng (aged, non-fermented)
flavor notes earthy, camphor, crisp
漢字 〇三年勐海野生普洱生茶
origin Menghai, Yunnan
craft aged sheng (non-fermented, aged)
flavor notes earthy, camphor, crisp
Our 2003 Wild Leaf comes from the ancient tea trees that have grown for hundreds of years on the mountainous slopes of southern China’s Yunnan province in Menghai County. Harvested and crafted by the aboriginal people of Yunnan, the tea is a “sheng” or raw pu-erh – aged naturally –... →
Three Cultivar Red
Sold out
漢字 三品紅
origin Fujian Province
craft twisted
flavor notes bold, earthy, dried fruit
漢字 三品紅
origin Fujian Province
craft twisted
flavor notes bold, earthy, dried fruit
Our Three Cultivar Red is a unique blend of three varieties from across Fujian Province. In a world defined by tradition and age-old crafting methods, this tea is a rare innovation. The tea maker who created it is amongst a small group experimenting with new cultivars and crafting styles to create... →
Discovery Collection
Our Discovery Collection showcases the breadth of traditional tea craftsmanship and flavor profiles. While perfect for those beginning their exploration of artisanal tea, seasoned tea drinkers will also enjoy the selection in this box. The Discovery Collection includes four 1-ounce bags of tea, each representing a classic growing region, varietal, and crafting style, with flavor profiles ranging from light to dark. Also included is an informational card listing the varietals, regions, and tasting notes, along with an educational video to watch as... →