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  • Dragon Pearl Jasmine Supreme
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    漢字 極品龍珠飄香白茶

    origin Fuding County, Fujian

    craft rolled & scented

    flavor notes jasmine, sweet, smooth

    漢字 極品龍珠飄香白茶

    origin Fuding County, Fujian

    craft rolled & scented

    flavor notes jasmine, sweet, smooth

    Dragon Pearl Jasmine Supreme is our finest Jasmine scented tea. We only use spring-harvested Da Bai leaf buds from Fuding County, Fujian for the base tea, a variety usually reserved for white tea crafting. The buds are handpicked, then steamed and individually rolled by hand. The finished tea is then...

  • Pre-rain Dragonwell
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    漢字 雨前龍井

    origin Panan County, Zhejiang

    craft pan roasted

    flavor notes nutty, buttery, rich

    漢字 雨前龍井

    origin Panan County, Zhejiang

    craft pan roasted

    flavor notes nutty, buttery, rich

    An exceptional daily dragonwell, this tea is picked a few days after the Qing Ming holiday in early April, during a two week harvest period that ends on the Guyu Festival. This agricultural holiday welcomes the arrival of spring rains, and teas picked during the preceding two weeks are therefore referred to as “pre-rain”...

  • Cloud & Mist
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    Cloud & Mist


    漢字 雲霧綠茶

    origin Fujian Province, China

    craft drum roasted

    flavor notes vegetal, robust, bright

    漢字 雲霧綠茶

    origin Fujian Province, China

    craft drum roasted

    flavor notes vegetal, robust, bright

    Crafted in Fujian Province from a late April harvest, this Spring crop has a lightly savory and vegetal taste.  Each leaf is hand-picked, then roasted with a drum roaster – a more traditional method of green tea crafting that predates the pan firing methods commonly used today. The dry leaves...

  • Mi Lan Xiang (Honey Orchid)
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    漢字 蜜蘭香鳳凰單叢

    origin Wudong, Guangdong

    craft nong xiang

    flavor notes lychee, honey, floral

    漢字 蜜蘭香鳳凰單叢

    origin Wudong, Guangdong

    craft nong xiang

    flavor notes lychee, honey, floral

    Mi Lan Xiang is our most popular Phoenix Oolong.  We usually see raised eyebrows from those trying this tea for the first time, shocked by the captivating natural fruitiness of this style. Descended from a long line of Phoenix Shui Xian tea trees, Mi Lan Xiang means "Honey Orchid Fragrance."...

  • Gold Thread Reserve
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    漢字 極品金絲滇紅

    origin Fengqing County, Yunnan

    craft twisted

    flavor notes molasses, orange peel, raisin

    漢字 極品金絲滇紅

    origin Fengqing County, Yunnan

    craft twisted

    flavor notes molasses, orange peel, raisin

    Gold Thread Reserve is our finest Chinese black tea, cultivated in Fengqing County of Yunnan Province. This tea is crafted solely from young leaf buds, individually harvested by hand to deliver complex aromatics, sweetness, and a beautifully persistent finish. Developed in the late 1930's, Gold Thread Reserve is alternatively known as Jin Si Dian Hong. Jin Si means "gold silk"...

  • Formosa Red #18
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    漢字 日月潭蜜香紅茶, 紅玉

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes honey, herbaceous, dried fruit

    漢字 日月潭蜜香紅茶, 紅玉

    origin Yuchi, Taiwan

    craft twisted, mi xiang

    flavor notes honey, herbaceous, dried fruit

    Black tea crafting in Taiwan was initiated by the Japanese in 1903. In 1926, the first Assam cultivar was introduced and planted around the hills of Sun Moon Lake in Nantou County. This lake’s climate, environment, and terroir was deemed the most similar to the Assam tea gardens of India....

  • Lishan, Spring
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    漢字 梨山烏龍春茶

    origin Lishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes gardenia, sugarcane, fresh cream

    漢字 梨山烏龍春茶

    origin Lishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes gardenia, sugarcane, fresh cream

    Peaking at 2200 meters above sea level, Lishan is the third highest mountain in the Lishan Range. The garden from which this tea is harvested lies at approximately 2000 meters (6500 feet) above sea level, an elevation that yields temperate weather in the summer and light snow fall in the...

  • Tote Bag
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    Tote Bag


    Show the world you've got great taste in tea with our custom Tote Bag! Crafted from screen-printed, heavyweight cotton canvas for quality and durability, the Red Blossom Tote Bag offers a spacious 15 liter capacity and is fully machine washable. Bring it along to your next tea picnic,...

  • Golden Monkey
    Sold out

    Golden Monkey

    Sold out

    漢字 金猴子紅茶

    origin Wuyi Mountains, Fujian

    craft twisted

    flavor notes sweet potato, earthy, rich

    漢字 金猴子紅茶

    origin Wuyi Mountains, Fujian

    craft twisted

    flavor notes sweet potato, earthy, rich

    Gathered in April from the Wuyi Mountains of Northern Fujian. Fully enzymatically oxidized gold-tipped leaves and buds, crafted by hand into the shape of a monkey's paw. Red amber color, light for a black tea, exceptionally smooth and tannin free with notes of oven-roasted sweet potato. The relatively low astringency...

  • Tung Ting
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    Tung Ting


    漢字 凍頂烏龍

    origin Nantou County, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes floral, vegetal, bright

    漢字 凍頂烏龍

    origin Nantou County, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes floral, vegetal, bright

    A descendent of oolong varieties taken from Jian'ou in China's Fujian Province, Tung Ting was brought to the eponymous central Taiwan mountain in the mid-1800s. Its name means "frozen summit", in reference to what was, at the time, one of the highest elevation tea gardens in Taiwan. Today, tea is...

  • Jin Xuan (Milk Oolong)
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    漢字 金萱烏龍春茶

    origin Alishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes butter, sweet, vegetal

    漢字 金萱烏龍春茶

    origin Alishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes butter, sweet, vegetal

    Jin Xuan, meaning "Golden Lily" in Chinese, is a relatively new Formosa cultivar developed by Taiwan's Tea Research and Extension Station in the early 1980s. This cultivar is the end result of nearly four decades of cross-breeding several Formosa varieties to yield a tea with a naturally milky taste, distinct in character from the traditional cultivars of our...

  • Golden Monkey, First Pick
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    漢字 金芽猴子紅茶

    origin Wuyi Mountains, Fujian

    craft twisted

    flavor notes cocoa nibs, buttery, rich

    漢字 金芽猴子紅茶

    origin Wuyi Mountains, Fujian

    craft twisted

    flavor notes cocoa nibs, buttery, rich

    Our Golden Monkey, First Pick comes from a tea garden on Jiulong Hill, in the eastern part of the Wuyi Mountain range. The area sees abundant rainfall, the climate is moist, the environment pure and the resulting tea leaves and its craftsmanship, exquisite. Picked in mid-March, it is the first...

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