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Red Blossom Blog

Benefits of Tea: Can Tea Lower Stress Levels?

Benefits of Tea: Can Tea Lower Stress Levels?

Studies investigating the effects of intense or long-term stress have shown that it can have serious health consequences over time in many parts of the body. Chronic stress has been linked to mood disorders like anxiety and depression, and has been shown to cause reductions in brain mass over time. It also has proven effects on vascular and immune function, causing high blood pressure, increased risk of illness, and other physical ailments.

Despite the stimulating effect of its caffeine content, tea is widely viewed as a calming beverage that can help relieve stress. Though this effect has been studied, not all results have been conclusive.

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4 Myths About Caffeine in Tea

4 Myths About Caffeine in Tea

Though most people consume caffeine in some form or another on a daily basis, myths and misinformation persist about the way it works. In particular, there are several popularly held misbeliefs about the caffeine content in tea that are simply not true. Some are based in fragments of truth, while others are pure invention. Today, we’re clarifying the facts about four caffeine myths that we encounter often.

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5 Great Reasons to Drink Tea Instead of Coffee

5 Great Reasons to Drink Tea Instead of Coffee

Do you depend on a daily cup of coffee to get out of bed in the morning? Maybe you need another by the time you get to work, and another after lunch to power through the afternoon slump. By the end of the day, coffee consumption can really add up. Coffee shop concoctions or high quality beans come with a high price tag, milk and sugar in many coffee drinks add extra calories, and high levels of caffeine can disrupt sleep (and send you reaching for the coffee pot again tomorrow morning).

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a cup of coffee, but cutting back a bit can help avoid building a caffeine tolerance, and keep it feeling like a treat, instead of a necessity. Here are five good reasons to choose a cup of tea over a cup of coffee, especially if it’s the third latte of the day.

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6 Reasons to Drink Pu-erh Tea

6 Reasons to Drink Pu-erh Tea

Distinct from any other tea style, the aged, fermented teas from Yunnan Province known as pu-erh remain somewhat mysterious in the western world. The style we know today was developed relatively recently (in the context of tea’s long history) and didn’t reach peak popularity until late in the 20th century - long after modern western traditions had diverged from their Chinese roots.

Pu-erh as a category is especially captivating for a multitude of reasons, not limited to commonly marketed health benefits. Here are six reasons we think pu-erh tea is worth drinking, whether as a daily brew or a special treat.

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5 Reasons to Drink Tea Without Sugar

5 Reasons to Drink Tea Without Sugar

We understand the urge to drop a teaspoon or two of sugar into your breakfast blend. Not all teas can live up to the lofty flavor ideals of traditional tea crafters, and modern palates are trained to expect sweetness. Nevertheless, we think tea deserves a chance to be appreciated without sugar, and today we’ve got five good reasons to give it a try.

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What are Tannins in Tea?

What are Tannins in Tea?

Tannins are commonly discussed in the context of tea tasting, but usually poorly understood. Cited as a source of bitterness and astringency, their presence is often considered a sign of low quality tea, but their role is a bit more complex than that. As a natural part of every tea plant, tannins contribute to the growth process and health benefits of all teas, as well as the color and flavor.

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The Truth About Teas for Weight Loss

The Truth About Teas for Weight Loss

Tea has a long history as a touted cure for all sorts of ailments, ever since it’s legendary discovery as an antidote to poisons. So perhaps it’s no surprise that today, tea is often marketed as an antidote to one of our most pervasive modern health issues. Today, we’ll dive into the facts about “weight loss” teas to separate the true benefits of tea from the sales spin.

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What is GABA Tea?

What is GABA Tea?

Among the endless varieties of tea, most common names have poetic origins based on the appearance, fragrance, or traditional provenance of the tea style. GABA is a tea name that stands out as a modern, scientific acronym, lending gravitas to claims of extra health benefits. But what is it that makes this type of tea special?

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Cooking with Tea: Pickled Green Tea Leaves

Cooking with Tea: Pickled Green Tea Leaves

High quality green teas like our Ming Qian Dragonwell, Panan are plucked only once a year and consist of only young leaf buds. They are limited in quantity, but high in antioxidants and other nutrients. While many Chinese tea drinkers will eat the leaves directly from the cup after brewing, these valuable leaves can also be used in culinary dishes. One way we preserve these leaves after we brew them is to pickle them.

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